Forums - colossus combos Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- colossus combos ( Posted by silenttiger on 05:14:2001 12:54 PM: I've put Colossus back into my lineup. Any suggestions for combos? I usually play Colossus with Silver Samurai and one of the following: Cyc/War machine/Wolverine/Iceman Which team would help against rushdown, i.e, Mag... Thanks. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:14:2001 06:03 PM: I'm sorry I don't know of combos but I've been hit with it alot of times. Try the should tackle into the power bomb super thingie. Posted by Naslectronical on 05:14:2001 06:33 PM: dash in lk, lk, Shoulder Charge dash in c. lk, s. hk, sj. lp, lk, Shoulder Charge XX Power Dive Posted by Naslectronical on 05:14:2001 06:36 PM: Those are the only 2 you really need. Posted by DarkZero on 05:15:2001 07:13 PM: You can't combo a into a Use the (better with an assist), sj.lp,, power dive. Amazing damage. You can put a tackle into that combo, after the lk, if your opponent is in the corner. Posted by Bonesaw on 05:15:2001 08:03 PM: collosus is cool...along with zangief and omega...Team Mother Russiaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... Posted by silenttiger on 05:16:2001 02:07 PM: Can you combo into or out of the powerswing? I thought I read in a faq that you could. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:16:2001 02:31 PM: i think u can do that but fast but im not really sure. Posted by Jason on 05:16:2001 03:30 PM: power swing (only lp I think, I can't quite remember, while you're still in the air) combos after j.hp on a standing opponent, but not in air combos, as far as I know. If you throw them into a corner, you can OTG. Posted by DarkZero on 05:16:2001 03:44 PM: You can combo into a power swing from a c.hp. Posted by Bonesaw on 05:16:2001 03:49 PM: I wouldn't worry about using the powerswing as a combo..just use it occasionally when your'e powered up. My collosus wins a lot by using this simple way of playing..You dash into to your opponent and sweep and power slide..Your sweep has a lot more range than any opponent may realize...just dash in till your'e about 2-3 character lenghts away and sweep then power are likely to catch even the best of opponents with this move... Posted by Pitt on 05:16:2001 04:04 PM: This one does a lot of damage, but your opponent must be in the corner: Jumping HP, powerswing (you must still be in the air to catch them) land, croucing HK, cancel into LK tackle, cancel into powerdive. This combo does a LOT of damage. The only drawback is your opponent can roll out of it after the powerswing, but if hes never seen the combo before, he wont realize that. Also, some people still don't realize this, but you can wiggle the joystick back and forth during the powerswing to speed it up and get more damage. Also, on the air combo, you guys can get two extra hits. Standing HK, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LK Tackle, Powerdive. If you do the tackle, you will only get one hit with the Powerdive. If you skip the tackle and go right into the power dive, you can hit the opponent on the way up and on the way down. Im not sure which version gets more damage, but it would make sense that the one with the tackle would be more powerful. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:16:2001 07:23 PM: that's a nice one but can you do a summary of that? i managed to get some of it. Posted by Pitt on 05:16:2001 08:45 PM: Sorry, I guess I ran off at the mouth a little. I'll simplify. Combo 1. (In the corner) Jumping HP, cancel into jumping power swing, (you will land before your opponent)OTG Crouching HK, cancel into LK tackle, cancel into Powerdive. Combo 2. Standing HK, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.MK, sj.LK Tackle, cancel into powerdive. Combo 3. Standing HK, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, sj.MK, Powerdive (you can hit the opponent on the way up and on the way down). Posted by Dome on 05:16:2001 11:11 PM: Here's a combo I've seen Justin Wong do (With Gambit Projectile Assist) j.hp, c.lp,, (call gambit) LK Shoulder Tackle, (Card hits opponent) now you can do a Hk into a aircombo or a powerswing This combo does CRAZY damage. Posted by Real Sacred Cow on 05:16:2001 11:55 PM: One of the best ways to get the power throw into your normal routine would be best to combine it with an assist character. To try and combo it regularly with c.hp is hard to get off continuosly. Posted by silenttiger on 05:17:2001 02:23 PM: What assists would you all recommend for setting cup collossus. I use Cyc's AAA a lot to get in a power dive. I'll have to try getting a power swing off it too. Posted by Bruton on 05:17:2001 04:36 PM: What everyone else said. Standard combo I do is either deep jumping heavy, S.RK, four hits to super(quick cancel for the second hit). Optional Shoulder Barge, not sure about omitting hits for damage scaling. Fun combo, and just because it looks so cool, which I do is: You're In corner, Rogue kiss assist. J.QCF+ either punch(Power Swing), C.LK(OTG), S.RK, above combo from the launcher. It's cool, because of the two "throws", but Rogue scales the damage a fair bit. Posted by Nutlog on 05:17:2001 04:59 PM: Most of the basics + DHC advice Colossus Combos: Damage percentages based on normal damage soakers. All combos are available anywhere on screen unless otherwise noted. Simple: j.HK,s.HK xx HK Shoulder Tackle xx Power Dive (1 hit only, unless corner) -- around 30% damage (50% for corner variant) c.HP xx LP Giant Swing (c.HP must be close range) -- around 30% damage with stick twirling j.HP/HK xx air Giant Swing (either works) -- around 30% damage with stick twirling j.HK, s.HK, sj.LP/LK(x2) xx LK Shoulder Tackle -- around 40% damage j.HK, s.HK, sj.LP-LK-LP-LK xx LK Shoulder Tackle xx Power Dive (corner only guarantee) -- around 60% (corner only guarantee) Moderate: j.HK, s.HK, sj.LP-LK-LP-LK xx LK Shoulder Tackle -- around 50% damage j.HK xx Giant swing, c.LK, s.HK, sj.LP-LK-LP-LK xx LK Shoulder Tackle xx Power Dive (corner only)-- around 80% damage (will kill akuma/strider type stamina characters outright) Effective uses of the Power dive in DHCs: You can DHC the power dive at almost any point. Usually waiting to dive until you will connect at or near ground level can enable some absolutely devastating DHCs. For example, following a simple corner combo xx Power Dive, on connecting with actual dive, having delayed it slightly to get them back to ground level, almost any super will connect. For a pretty much guaranteed kill, Jugg's headcrush will finish off the last of the their life usually, though other can do just about as well. For more popular DHCs... Power Dive (corner) xx ... Doom -- Photon array Storm -- Lightning or Hail Sentinel -- HSF, combo after Blackheart -- HoD Ryu -- Hurricane Kick, (well-timed) Shin-shoryuken (will kill them, guaranteed) Silver Samurai - Lightning Attack/Flame Spiral(will usually kill them)/(well-timed) Ice strike/Super Shuriken War Machine - War Destroyer(hurts like hell)/Proton Cannon Wolverine - (well-timed) Weapon X, Berserker Barrage X Cyclops - Mega Optic blast All of these will do sizable chunks to outright killing the opponent. As for who could stop a rushdown mag, out of your 4 you listed, I'd take Cyc-AAA any day. Will stop any incoming attacks from a mag but you have to know he's coming and you have to be able to cover him. Something that Colossus cannot do very well. Posted by magneto_x on 05:17:2001 05:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical dash in lk, lk, Shoulder Charge dash in c. lk, s. hk, sj. lp, lk, Shoulder Charge XX Power Dive i think you should do jump hk, fireball motion with LP, land,then down plus ryu uppercut assist and then do his power dive super. thats fireball motion with 2 punch.try that Posted by silenttiger on 05:17:2001 05:43 PM: Hey Nutlog, It sounds like you're suggesting DHCs that come after the the power dive. Maybe I'm just not following you. I'm trying to figure out how the heck to connect SS's mode supers after the power dive. i.e. how can I connect the flame super after the power dive? You must be saying before the power dive, right? Posted by DrunkinB on 05:17:2001 07:35 PM: Heres a few corner combo! clk,clk,qcf+lk,xxdive bomb super or HP throw in corner OTG clk, shk AC or HP throw in corner OTG clk, qcf+lk, xx divebomb super! Posted by magneto_x on 05:17:2001 07:42 PM: hey why do you want to learn how to play with him anyway Posted by Bonesaw on 05:17:2001 07:45 PM: collosus is good...He can hang with me...he's no sorry zangief...collosus can cover ground quickly...I can give any team a good run for their money with collosus and magneto and storm...Collosus usually does more than his share of damage... Posted by silenttiger on 05:17:2001 09:34 PM: How would you play Colossus against Cable? Posted by Pitt on 05:18:2001 01:24 PM: Sorry Zangief? Bonesaw, please tell me you were joking. Posted by Bonesaw on 05:18:2001 01:49 PM: winning isn't everything...anyway..I have a new favorite team..Look for the Bonesaw's favorite team combo thread in the strategies section if you have more comments Posted by Archangel21 on 05:18:2001 02:02 PM: thanks Pitt i'll try that. Posted by CharDLiciouse on 05:20:2001 09:55 AM: collosus is the biggest russian pimp ever Posted by astro86 on 05:20:2001 06:14 PM: this is short and simple corner combo im not sure if it wne t like this i havet played with coloossus in a long long time,c.hp shoulderdash the weak one XX powerdive (quickly make it go down) does good damage Posted by silenttiger on 05:21:2001 07:36 PM: Magneto_X, The main reason I want to play with Colossus is beacause of the damage that he can do in one air combo. My favorite for example is launch, air combo xx power dive xx final justice xx ramei ken (colossus/capt america/silver samurai). Just today, i completely wiped out this guys team with colossus/wolverine/cyclops. I think his morrigan had 3/4 life and he wiffed a move, I launched, air combo,xx powerdive (connected up and down) xx to Mega optic blast. The result, no more morrigan. Hyper armor is nice to have too. I wish it would last longer though. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:17 AM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.